Dog bites can be traumatic both physically and emotionally for victims of a dog attack. Because of the serious physical, financial and emotional damages victims of dog bites can suffer, it is essential for dog bite victims and their families to be familiar with the legal protections available to them.

In Illinois, dog owners are considered strictly liable for dog bites and the injuries their pets cause to the victim. This is true whether or not the dog owner knew the dog was dangerous. The victim must, however, demonstrate that they did not provoke the dog and were not trespassing at the time of the dog bite injury and attack. Because there are complexities associated with dog bites, it is beneficial to have trained guidance through the process of making a claim for damages following a dog bite.

Victims of dog bites may be able to recover compensation for their medical expenses, lost earnings and pain and suffering damages associated with a dog bite. Because dog bites can sometimes take a significant amount of time to recover from physically and emotionally, which can result in additional financial losses, victims may be able to recover compensation for future medical care costs and lost-earning capacity as well. It is important for victims of dog bites to be familiar with these valuable legal protections.

A dog bite can be a terrifying experience for anyone which is why personal injury legal resources are available to help injured victims through the recovery process. Injured victims and their families should at the very least be aware of the legal remedies available to them when they have been harmed by a dog bite and that protections are available.

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